About Me

Hi there, reader. Thank you for stopping by.

My name is Fasih Khatib (فصيح خطيب), classical Arabic for ‘The Eloquent Speaker’. I am a software engineeer who likes to build new and exciting things. I’ve been creating software professionally for close to a decade, and a few more personally. I started programming in my school years when we were taught “turtle programming” with Logo. The love for programming stayed with me and led me to pursue a career in software engineering. In my tenure as an engineer, I’ve designed and built things like a realtime fraud detection and prevention engine, a couple of data platforms, and a few microservices.

My interests range from algorithms to econometrics to software architecture; you’ll find blog posts on all of these topics in my archives. I’m a Pythonista at heart but love programming in Clojure, too.

If you’d like to see some of my work, head over to my GitHub profile. My open-source work involves a Python library to detect PII data stored in database or warehouse tables, another Python library to run database migrations stored in cloud storage like S3, and yet another Python library to generate human-readable summaries of large tabluar data.

If you’d like to say hello, you can drop me an email at hellofasih at pm dot me.