In the footnote of my previous essay, titled ‘War, Peace, and Everything in Between’, I wrote about being able to empirically measure how much at peace a country is. I also mentioned that I’d like to write an essay titled ‘Peace, Precisely’ which would have more mathematical rigor. I spent quite some time thinking about it, and in the interim, I am going to write the current essay and call it ‘Peace, Somewhat Precisely’. The premise of this essay is to step in the direction of the final essay by laying a foundation which can perhaps be reused later.
We shall try to come up with a value
In my essay I mentioned that we can define interactions between two nations that can help us measure, empirically, how much peace there is between them. For example, the amount of trade and commerce among them can be used as an indicator of peace between them. In theory, we can have many such interactions that together help us measure the peace between the two nations. Mathematically, let’s call this a function
We can now model the nations of the world, and the relationships between them as a weighted, undirected graph. If a nation has an interaction with another nation, there shall be an edge between them. The weight of the edge shall be the
Combining the two above, the amount of peace that a nation has is a combination of peace within, and outside its borders. We can, therefore, define a function
This is how we can measure the amount of peace in the world. Hypothetically. :P